Learning & Teaching Corner

Year 8 Languages: speaking games

Playing games in the language classroom enhances student engagement, motivation, and retention of new vocabulary and grammar structures. Games create a low-stakes environment where students can comfortably experiment with Japanese. Speaking games also provide opportunities for authentic communication, reinforcing listening and speaking skills in a fun and meaningful way. By incorporating games, Brighton teachers can cater to different learning styles, boost confidence, and foster a positive attitude toward language learning.

In 8S, we have played the following games to practice for our upcoming speaking task.


The Spiderweb Game:

The Spiderweb Game is a speaking activity to practise a particular question or set of questions. The year 8s are studying how to say what they eat and drink for different meals and whether or not they like something.

Some of the questions students can ask are:


"What do you eat for breakfast?" 「あさごはんに なにを たべますか。」

"Do you eat pizza for lunch?" 「ひるごはんに ピザを たべますか。」

"Do you like cake for dinner?" 「ばんごはんに ケーキが好きですか。」


How We Play:

  1. The students stand in a circle. One student starts by holding the ball of yarn and asking a classmate a question such as 「あさごはんに なにを たべますか」 (What do you eat for breakfast?).
  2. The chosen student answers using 「〜をたべます。」 (I eat ~.), e.g., 「パンをたべます。」 (I eat bread.).
  3. After answering, the student holds onto part of the yarn and chooses the next student. Then the student throws the ball to another classmate, asking them a question. It can be the same question or a different one.
  4. This continues until all students have asked and answered, creating a "spiderweb" with the yarn.


  • Practise speaking and listening in a fun, interactive way.
  • Encourage students to use full sentences in Japanese.
  • Work as a team to correct grammatical errors.
  • Build a web that visually represents class connections!

Four Corners Game –「〜がすきですか?」(Do you like ~?)


This is a fun movement-based activity to practise the 「〜がすきですか」 (Do you like ~?) grammar pattern.


How to Play:

  1. The teacher holds up a flashcard with a picture of a food or drink.
  2. Students say the word in Japanese (e.g., すし!).
  3. Students then move to one of the four corners based on their opinion: 
    • だいすき! (Love it!)
    • すき! (Like it!)
    • きらい! (Dislike it!)
    • だいきらい! (Hate it!)
    • The middle of the room is いいえ、あんなり。。。 (Not really).
  4. The teacher asks each corner 「すしがすきですか」 (Do you like sushi?).
  5. Students in each corner respond together based on their location (e.g., 「はい、だいすきです!」 for Love it! or 「いいえ、だいきらいです!」 for Hate it!).


  • Practise asking and answering 「〜がすきですか」 in a fun, interactive way.
  • Encourage students to express opinions in Japanese.
  • Get students moving to keep engagement high!

Do you remember playing games in class? 

The languages domain would love any ideas!! 


Please email Ms Campion, Languages Domain Leader, with any suggestions!!