Roselea Public School ARCO Team 2025
Our team of Anti-Racism Contact Officers (ARCO) is dedicated to promoting anti-racism education for staff, students and our Roselea Public School community. The ARCO team includes Mrs. Mulholland and Mrs. Janssen. Together, we will regularly provide valuable information to foster anti-racism education within our school.
What is an ARCO?
ARCOs serve as the primary point of contact for students, staff, parents, and community members who wish to report incidents of racism. They may facilitate mediation during racist incidents, oversee the process for filing formal complaints, and advocate for anti-racism education in the school setting.
What is the ROLE of an ARCO?
- To assist and support staff, students, and the school community regarding issues related to racism.
- To receive and address issues of racism appropriately.
- To provide ongoing support throughout the resolution process.
- To keep records of all issues raised.
- To ensure that teaching and non-teaching staff, students, and community members are informed about the identity and functions of the ARCOs.
- To promote anti-racism education throughout the school.
What is Racism?
Racism can take many forms, such as jokes or comments that cause offence or hurt, sometimes unintentionally; name-calling or verbal abuse; harassment or intimidation, or commentary in the media or online that inflames hostility towards certain groups.
At its most serious, racism can result in acts of physical abuse and violence.
Racism can directly or indirectly exclude people from accessing services or participating in employment, education, sport and social activities.
It can also occur at a systemic or institutional level through policies, conditions or practices that disadvantage certain groups.
It often manifests through unconscious bias or prejudice.
On a structural level, racism serves to perpetuate inequalities in access to power, resources and opportunities across racial and ethnic groups.
The belief that a particular race or ethnicity is inferior or superior to others is sometimes used to justify such inequalities.
— Australian Human Rights Commission, National Anti-Racism Strategy – July 2012, pg 4
Anti-Racism Policy
A factsheet providing parents and carers with information about the Anti-Racism Policy and the role of the Anti-Racism Contact Officer is available in 37 different languages via the link below.
Raising a Concern - guide for parents & carers
We are committed to working with parents, carers, students and families to ensure all students are happy and thrive at school. If you have a question, issue, concern, feedback or compliment about our school, please contact the school office on 9871 1324.
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed on 21 March each year. It is an opportunity to build awareness of racism and promote the need to act to advance equity for all people in NSW public education. This year, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination coincides with Harmony Week, which is a celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. At Roselea PS we will be combining these two events with students engaging in activities and learning around racism, cultural awareness and inclusive education.
Mrs Mulholland and Mrs Janssen