General News

School Captains Report

Hello! I’m Hugo, and I'm Chloe, and we're your 2025 school captains. 

On behalf of Hugo and I we would like to take this opportunity to say how honoured and thankful we are to be your school captains for 2025. We would like to say a big welcome to our new principal Mrs Bryant. We know you will have a wonderful time at this school, maybe even as wonderful as Hugo and I have. We would also like to say a very big welcome to our new Kindy’s. Our year six's have been trying very hard to impress you all with their kindness and buddy skills. This is your first K-6 assembly. We hope you enjoy it and are looking forward to seeing you in future assemblies. 


As a leader I'm giving you a reminder that you must use your best attitude during assembly. This week our PBL focus is assembly expectations and right now is your opportunity to show your amazing listening skills and respect for our school community. 


Now let's go back in time to our first day of school for this year. We had the swimming carnival. So many kids participated in races and showed great team spirit. It was great to see some familiar faces and some new ones. To finish up, our year 6 super swimmers had an epic battle with the teachers to see who was on top. Sadly, the teachers came out on top. We will get 'em next time. Actually after seeing Mrs Jones swim, it might be harder than we thought. Get ready zone swimmers because your big day is coming up. Good luck to all students who made it to the zone. Now for house points check in… The scores are as follows: in fourth we have Sturt with 180 points then in third we have Cook with 205 points Flinders 220 points Oxley in first with 240 points.


Good job Oxley- Now a huge congrats to all our fellow year 6 leaders who all got their leadership groups on the 13th of February in our induction assembly. Our Leadership team led their first official assembly. Now that we are leaders, we all take on a challenge but I'm sure we can handle it. It was such a special moment to stand up there together as a grade to recite the famous pledge as we promised to wear our badges with pride. Speaking of badges they are unusually shiny this year! 


Not as shiny as the stars who tried out for PSSA last week.  PSSA kicked off and it started with a bang with Oz Tag softball and t-ball trials. Years 3 to 6 showed off their skills to the teachers and I’m sure you guys blew their socks off with your skill. I am sure Mr Yu, Miss Foster, Mr Love and Miss Raj will teach you a lot and turn you into bigger superstars than you are now. I’m sure that you will have the best year of PSSA and we look forward to hearing all about your first games next week!


It has been a busy start to term for sure, and another important message we have as we start the 2025 school year is to Reduce Reuse Recycle. Remember our bins with the yellow lids are for recycling, not paper not cardboard not food Definitely NOT full drinks. But you CAN put cans, poppers and non-reusable plastic bottles. Every can, bottle and popper raises money for our year 6 gift to the school. We are very lucky to have our environment leaders who are in charge of our schools recycling bins. Thank you to Jonathan, Oscar, Jovy and Ethan. 


As this week ends, we’re proud to say,     

We’ve learned a lot in every way.

With smiles and teamwork, we got things done,

Now it’s time to rest, stay safe, and have fun.


Hugo and Chloe signing off!

2025 School Captains                 


From the Office

Dates for your diary

5 March: Stage 3 Debating Trials

5 March: School Photos

5 March: Scripture starts

6 March: Zone Swimming Carnival

7 March: Summer PSSA 

12-21 March: NAPLAN Years 3 & 5