Upcoming Events

School Photos

School photos will take place tomorrow Wednesday, 5th March.  Please place your order beforephoto day.


Students are to wear full summer uniform (no sports).

Girls - white socks and black school shoes

Boys - grey socks and black school shoes


Sibling photos - orders to be placed before Wednesday, envelopes from the office.

Late fees -  do apply for orders purchased after the due date. 



Harmony Day Assembly Invitation

Harmony Day is a celebration of Australian multiculturalism. It is a time for all Australians to come together, celebrate our cultural diversity, stand against racism, share the values of Australian democracy, and promote community harmony.


To mark this occasion, we will be holding a special Harmony Day assembly on Monday, 17 March, from 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm. We warmly invite all parents and carers to join us for this event.


Students are encouraged to wear their national costume or orange clothing (as orange is the international colour of harmony). Parents are also welcome to wear their national dress.


The program will include:

  • A Chinese dance
  • A flute performance by band students
  • Speeches by four students
  • A class display of national dress

Additionally, students will take part in buddy class activities in Week 7 to celebrate Harmony Day.


Thank you for your support. We look forward to celebrating this special day with you!

Mrs Dong & Ms Cheung

School Disco - Friday 28 March 2025