Principal's Message

Mrs Kylie Bryant - Principal

I cannot believe that I am writing to you today and we are already in Week 6, the weeks are just flying by and everything is in full swing. Our school Band rehearsals are underway, after school dancing started last week, PSSA trials have occurred, and the first game is this coming Friday and our debating team trials have begun. Our school is a hive of activity, and it is wonderful to see so many extracurricular activities occurring across the school. I know the choir and school dance groups will begin shortly too!


We had a wonderful Meet the Teacher evening on 18 February.  It was great to see so many families in attendance.  A big thank you to the P&C for running another successful BBQ for our school community.


Last week, we held our first K-6 assembly, and it was lovely to have the whole school together. I had the pleasure of presenting students with their SRC badges and also speaking to the student body about the important role SRC class representatives play and how vital student voice is within our school community. As we begin forming our School Excellence Plan we will be looking at ways to capture the student voice and enhance their involvement in decision making.


On a similar note, at the first P&C Meeting for 2025, I spoke of the importance of parent consultation and gaining feedback on focus areas for 2025. In Week 7, we will send out a parent survey, which I encourage all parents to complete as it will help inform decision-making for several areas across the school as we finalise our 2025 plan. Your voice matters and provides valuable insight into what is important to you, your children and the wider community. I thank you in advance for taking the time to provide your feedback. 


I also spoke about working closely with our Class Parents and meeting with them twice a term to discuss upcoming events, provide regular feedback opportunities and strengthen our connections with families. At various points in time, you may find your class parent reaching out to ask you questions and seek feedback on past and future events and initiatives we are running in the school. This, along with working closely with the P&C, will provide multiple opportunities for parents to connect, be involved and share their ideas.


Safe entry and exit to school grounds

As many of you may be aware, there have been some changes to the way the community enters and exits our school grounds. As principal and site manager, I am obligated to ensure the safety of students, staff and community members on school grounds.  


The school gates are closed from 9.15am until approximately 2.30pm each day. We have a middle pedestrian gate unlocked to allow visitors ease of entry during these hours. We ask that if you enter via this pedestrian gate, you ensure that you close the gate behind you. 


The car park is a shared space between the hours of 8.30am to 9.15am and 2.45pm to 3.20pm. As such the school gates are locked to general vehicle access to afford pedestrian traffic, in particular our young students, priority access to ensure their safety. This also ensures safe drop off and pick up of students in the Physical Disability Support Class in the disabled parking area at the far end of the school. 


I thank you for your support in keeping all of our students safe. 



The remainder of the term is a busy one with lots of events planned. Please make sure that you have access to our eNews platform for important updates and access School Bytes for all permission notes and payments. Our school Facebook Page is also an important page to "like", which will ensure that you receive updates on some of the activities your children are engaging in at school.  If you are unsure how to access any of these platforms, please reach out to our friendly office staff, who will be happy to assist you.


Principal Awards

Principal Bronze Awards