2025 Parent Payments

Recently, you would have received a Compass communication requesting that you pay our 2025 Curriculum Contributions/Parent Payments.


This the amount that we request families to pay annually to allow us to provide your child with the resources, materials, excursions and activities to help them thrive in their learning at SKiPPS.


We appreciate your prompt payment of your 2025 Curriculum Contributions/Parent payments. 


Whilst optional, without parent payments, we would only be able to provide a very basic 'bare minimum' education and so we really appreciate families making the payment to allow us to add so much to your child's time at the school.


We are very grateful that, each year, around 80% of our families make this payment.


School Council have approved the parent payment contributions for families for 2025. 


These are;

  • Foundation $800
  • Year 1/2 $790
  • Year 3/4 $860
  • Year 5/6 $790

These totals represent a very slight increase on 2024 however, they have been kept as low as possible. Further details can be found in the attachments below. Families will receive the below letter and a request for payment via Compass today. Families will have the option to make an easy electronic payment via Compass.



At SKiPPS, the requested payment covers;

  •  Curriculum Contributions - all books, pens, pencils, paper, art materials, online memberships and subscriptions
  • All excursions, incursions, sports activities and Gala Days during the year 
  • General contributions to allow us to provide IT equipment in classrooms, grounds and garden maintenance
  • Tax-deductible contributions to our Building Fund and Library Fund to allow us to keep our school facilities in good condition and provide your children with rich, engaging books to read.

For the vast majority of families, the only other payments we will request during the year will be for the swimming program and school camps. In 2025, families will have access to the School Saving Bonus which can be used to pay for these optional activities.


In approving our 2025 Parent Payments, School Council examined how our requested amounts compare to other local schools. 


We discussed how, at other schools parents are issued with a book list and asked to source these resources themselves, however SKiPPS chooses to purchase everything your child needs throughout the year in bulk at discounted prices. This allows us to keep parent contributions below what is asked by other schools and provide consistency of materials that all students can access.


Below is a summary of some what parents are asked to pay at some of our nearby government schools and what is included (and not included in this payment);



School A

School B

School C

School D


Does not include excursions, inter school sports or sex education (charged separately). 


Does include stationary.


Does not include book list (all books and stationery) - parents must arrange and buy separately. 


Does not include excursions/incursions



Includes a $150-$295 annual levy for an individual ipad/laptop 


Does not include book pack (needs to be bought separately), excursions or incursions




$1060 to $1230


We are proud that, in the middle of a cost of living crisis, we are able to provide such a rich and engaging program for our students whilst keeping our requested payments at such a reasonable level and ensuring that we have very few additional payment requests during the year (school camp and swimming being the two main exceptions).


We appreciate the efforts that the vast majority of our families go to in order to make this payment each year.