Important Notices

School Photos
We are now just over a week away from our 2025 school photo day on Tuesday the 11th March .
For those families wishing to order individual student or class photos, this is all managed online via Compass. From the Compass homepage, you will see the below link - clicking on it allows you to easily place an online order and also select any sibling photos you may wish to organise.
It is recommended that photo orders are placed prior to photo day as any orders placed one week after the 11th will attract additonal fees.
Sibling photos must be ordered in advance as MSP will only take group sibling photos for those families who have placed an order.
School Assemblies
This year our weekly school assemblies have moved from the start of the day to now take place at 3pm.
This decision was made to allow classes to begin learning at 9am every day of the week and to maximise on the time of day when students are freshest and most ready to learn.
We understand this change of routine will take a little getting used to and we encourage those parents and carers who can to arrive at school a little early on a Friday to enjoy this weekly celebration and sharing of the great things that we do.
We know that parents may wish to make a particular effort to attend if their child is leading assembly or involved in sharing their classroom learning on the stage.
To support with your forward planning, the assembly details for the rest of term can be found below.
| Year 6 Assembly Leaders | Year levels presenting their learning |
Week 5 (Friday 28th March | Tomi, Cooper Chan & Oskar | Year 3 |
Week 6 (Friday 7th March) | Rosa, Jake & Sorcha | Year 2 |
Week 7 (Friday 14th March) | No school - Curriculum Day | |
Week 8 (Friday 21st March) | Chloe, Aurelia & Jay (Harmony Day) | Year 1 |
Week 9 (Friday 28th March) | Year 6 Camp | Year 4 |
Week 10 (Friday 7th April) Assembly at 2pm | Olivia, Gioia & Cooper Coatsworth | Foundation |
Building Update
We are excited to share that the renovations to our Italian/Team Kids/Kitchen Dining Room and Art Room are now proceeding at pace.
This week has seen walls erected, plasterboard installed and painting commence.
Within a couple of weeks we will see new vinyl flooring go down, doors and new cabinetry & the kitchens installed and our classes move back into their spaces. We have been told this will happen before the end of term!
We will also see the external works be complete with new drainage and concrete installed at the rear of the school in the quiet area.
We are looking forward to the works being complete, the shipping containers being removed and our school becoming whole again!
In case you missed it last week...
Student Attendance
Going to school every day is an important part of your child’s education. Children learn new things at school every day, connect with friends, have fun and develop good habits that help them to succeed after school.
As a parent/carer, you are legally required to ensure your child attends school every day and if an absence is required, you must provide an explanation. Where possible, you should avoid your child missing school, for example, make appointments for your child outside of school hours and keep family holidays to outside term time.
Classes begin at 9am. Please aim to arrive at 8:45am, so students can join their class line and make a positive start to their day.
Late arrivals - If you child arrives late to school after the 9am bell, they will need to be signed into school by a parent, at the school office. Parents must use the Compass iPad to sign their child in to school and obtain a printed Late-Pass for their child. The child should then hand this Late Pass to their class teacher.
To minimise disruptions to classes, we ask that parents say goodbye at the school office and do not enter the classroom.
Early pick up - If you intend to pick up your child from school before 3:30pm, please advise your child's teacher at least one day in advance via email, and complete an Attendance note on Compass.
On the day, simply use the Compass iPad in the school office and select the 'Parent Pick-up' option. This will print a departure slip, which can be handed to the office staff, who will contact the teacher & student on your behalf. It is best to ensure you arrive at least 5-10 minutes early to allow time for your child to pack up their own workspace and belongings.
Please do not enter classrooms unannounced.
Absences - When your child is absent from school, please ensure you add an 'Attendance Note' on Compass prior to 9am on the day of the absence to explain why your child is absent. You can email your child's teacher via Compass, if you would like to provide a further explanation.
Late pick ups - We would appreciate if parents could collect children promptly at 3:30pm. Children who are not collected by 3:40pm are sent to the office and parents contacted.
Children who are not collected by 3:45pm or their parents cannot be contacted, are sent to Team Kids for Outside School Hours Care, and can be collected from there.
Booking Fees will apply.
Smile Squad is coming to this school
The Smile Squad team from Better Health Network (formerly known as Star Health Group) are coming to our school soon.
Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free school dental program.
This means all students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment at school.
How to access free dental care
We need your consent before we can provide services. Consent is usually provided by a parent or guardian.
Sign up to Smile Squad at:
OR use the below QR code:
Please complete and submit the consent form by Monday 10th March,2025
Paper copies of the consent form are available. Please contact the school office if you would like to request one.
The electronic consent form can be translated into more than 100 languages, and the paper form is available in 13 languages.
Do I need to attend my child’s appointment?
No, you do not need to attend your child’s appointment. You can attend if you would like to, and you can take your child to the community dental clinic if you prefer.
The Smile Squad team is looking forward to seeing you soon.
For more information, or if you need help filling in the form:
Phone: 1300 503 977