
It been a fantastic fortnight of discovery in the Science room!  Students have been delving further into our Physics unit, exploring force, light and sound. 

Our F/1 students investigated the effects of push and pull on the shape of an object through the use of playdough and also the result of applying different levels of force upon the movement of an object - we used a toy car, first making predictions, then testing and discussing our results like real scientists!  


Our Grade 2-4 students have also been investigated force and the variables which affect the movement of objects including friction, level of force and type of force. Our Grade 2-4’s also explored light this week – how it travels, is sensed and the different ways it behaves.  Some wonderful discussions, sharing what we know and learning more!

*Diagram showing light refraction - light passes through water, bends/changes direction and splits into all the colours that make up light as it leaves the water, resulting in a rainbow!


Grade 5/6 students have delved a little deeper into light and its behaviour including how it can be reflected, refracted and absorbed. We also discussed how light from the sun can be harnessed and converted into energy, producing electricity.  This week we have started to explore sound - how it travels and is sensed.  The students made their own harmonicas and observed how sound travels in vibrations from an object to our ear by looking at an ear model - some students may like to make one of their own at home!


Ask your child to share with you some of our investigations into these physics concepts – they may like to try some at home and share with you what they have been learning!



Clare Grainger

Science & PE Specialist Teacher