Year 5/6

It has been a wonderful few weeks in Grade 5/6. The students have demonstrated excellent leadership, dedication, curiosity, kindness and resilience. 

Writing: Narratives 

In writing, we have been exploring the structure and purpose of narrative texts. Last week, the students learnt about character development: What makes a strong character? What literary techniques can we use to introduce our characters? How can we use dialogue, action and descriptive writing to paint a picture for our readers? 


Following our explicit teaching and discussions, students selected a character from three picture prompts, and wrote a creative fictional profile about them using visual clues. Then, they wrote a story/script with a partner that included both of their characters having an interaction with one other. The results were hilarious, witty and creative.

Shrove Tuesday 

The 5/6’s did an absolutely outstanding job preparing pancakes for the whole school on Tuesday this week, as we celebrated Shrove Tuesday. They demonstrated wonderful team work, inclusivity, enthusiasm, initiative, kindness and dedication. Everybody was eager to help out and help each other. It was a fantastic experience.