Year 3/4

Hi families,

We’re already halfway through the term, and the Grade 4s have been working hard across all areas of their learning! Here’s a quick look at what we’ve been up to this week:

  • Writing: We’ve been wrapping up our unit on persuasive writing, with students exploring features of persuasive language andd the structures of a persuasive text.
  • Reading: Our class novel Kensuke’s Kingdom is coming to an end, and we’ve been exploring non-fiction texts that connect to its themes. 
  • Grammar: Students have been investigating different types of sentences—statements, questions, commands, and exclamations—and learning how to use them effectively.
  • Spelling: Each student is working on a targeted sound pattern based on their PLD assessments, helping them grow their spelling skills at their own level. 
  • Maths: We’ve been tackling elapsed time—working out how long events last and figuring out start and finish times.
  • RE: With Ash Wednesday this week, we’ve started learning about Lent and preparing for Easter. We explored what it means to reflect and to show goodness and generosity to others.
  • Inquiry: Our focus on biodegradability continues as we think ahead to our gardening projects next term. Students have been researching what they huge word means, and how it relates to our environment.
  • Wellbeing: We’ve been identifying our strengths and challenges, reinforcing the idea that everyone has these, and that's okay, but we can also work on our challenges and turn them in strengths. It was amazing to hear students express such positive growth mindset perspectives!

This week, we also celebrated Shrove Tuesday with pancakes made by the Grade 5/6s and attended our Ash Wednesday mass as we enter the Lenten season. We had a special guest come to the school on Thursday and show us the different types of brass instruments. The class loved this and were grateful for the opportunity. They even got a chance to try out some of the instruments!


Bring on week 7!


Matt Giles

Grade 3 & 4 Teacher