Year 2/3

Over the last 2 weeks, the grade 2/3 students have been working hard to get ready for NAPLAN next week. Exploring the structures of narrative and persuasive texts. Many sessions have been spent unpacking characterisation, building a story like a roller coaster ride and deciding on the things that they feel strongly about and learning how to express that in a respectful manner. In math's, the students have been learning about analog and digital time in their measurement unit.
2/3's took their learning in their Inquiry lessons outside. Last week saw the cleaning up of our garden beds, weeding and mulching. This week they planted a green manure crop to begin the process of improving the soil, a meadow mix of seeds to encourage pollinators to the garden and snapdragons for use in our future cooking classes. The students have learnt about garden safety both in the garden bed and the surrounding wildlife.
The 2/3's also welcomed the St Mary's School chickens back after spending the holidays with Mrs Burchett's family. Daniel and Eliza have taken very good care of their feeding and water requirements this week as well as collecting their fresh eggs everyday. The chickens have settled back in well, and always greet the students happily, when they come to visit.