
Hi St Mary's,
On the 19th of March, as part of St Mary’s Wellbeing practices, we have Helen Smith from Dhelkaya Health coming in to present a program to class groups called Making Friends With Worry. There will also be a parent information session that will be held in the Library. It will begin at 9.00am and conclude at 9.30am. It would be great to see as many parents and carers as possible. This will really help to create some shared understandings and common language both at home and at school.
Information from Dhelkaya Health:
Making Friends with Worry:
Parent/Carer information sessions
Making friends with Worry is a program from Dhelkaya Community Health to help students understand worry and ways to manage this tricky feeling. The program is delivered to all classes from prep to grade 6 each year. This year we are also offering a half hour info session for parents and carers. The information session will share the key concepts in the student program and explore ways families can support kids to manage worry well.
Worry is a normal response to life challenges, and kids can develop skills for life.
The program is presented by Bron Grieve (Community Health Nurse) and Helen Smith (Children’s Counsellor). We’d love to see you there!
Mark O’Sullivan