St Mary's Faith & Family 

On Tuesday 4th March, our 5/6 class cooked up a storm in the school kitchen, to make over 150 pancakes for our students to connect with the observation of Shrove Tuesday, marking the end of ordinary time in the church liturgical calendar. All monies raised have been donated to Project Compassion.

On Wednesday 5th March the St Mary's School community joined Fr Wahid at the St Mary's Parish Church to celebrate Ash Wednesday.


We are half way through our school term, however we still have many more celebrations to come.

Please mark the following dates in your family calendar. 


Monday17th March - St Patrick's Day starts off our Catholic Education Week celebrations, St Mary’s School will be hosting an Open Morning from 9:00-10:30, for families and friends who may like to visit our classrooms. This will be followed by fun rotations of activities relating to St Patrick. Students are able to come to school dressed in the favourite green clothes. A gold coin donation will be accepted and donated to Project Compassion.


Sacramental Dates: 


Preparation - Term 2 Religious Education unit

Celebration date to be confirmed. 


First Eucharist

Preparation - Term 3 Religious Education unit

Mass of celebration on Sunday August 10  at 10:30am. 



Preparation - Term 3 Religious Education unit

Mass of celebration date to be confirmed.


News from the parish