Physical Education 

I’m not sure where the past two weeks have gone – time sure flies when we are active! 

It is so wonderful to witness our students participating so enthusiastically in our Health and PE classes each week!  Over the past fortnight we have been enjoying developing our hockey related skills further across all grades, whilst simultaneously strengthening our team work and resilience through group games and activities. We were fortunate to have a skilled hockey playing parent join two of our classes last week who provided us with great hockey tips and support! 


We have also been brainstorming and discussing the many ways we can ensure and strengthen our health, safety and wellbeing – it has been great to hear so many insightful ideas from our students. 


This week the Grade 2-6 students commenced some cross-country training as our warm up (in preparation for next term’s District Cross Country event) as well as some netball skill development. This cross country event will take place in May and will be for our Grade 3-6 students. More information coming soon!  Our students took to this so well, understanding that the focus is on building our endurance, participating and achieving our own goal of making the distance, whatever pace that may be. 


Next week we move onto football skills with a footy clinic run by AFL Victoria!  

Our District School Netball and Football Sports Day is coming up on Friday 28th March (for Grade 3-6 students)-stay tuned for permission forms being released via PAM soon.


Our Grade F/1 students have this week been building upon their throw and catch skills as well as their team work through partner and small group activities and relays.  Their enthusiasm is delightful and their concentration and persistence is to be commended!  Soon we will move onto learning some new games and further developing some of our fundamental movement skills in preparation for our District Tabloid Sports Day which will be held early next term – stay tuned for further information!


Clare Grainger

Science & PE Specialist Teacher