Spotlight on Learning

Stage 1
Welcome back to Term 4! It’s hard to believe that it is the last term of the year! Here is some of what 1J got up to on their first week back:
The focus for our first writing unit this term has been on ‘narrative’. We have been reading texts by Oliver Jeffers including ‘Up and Down’ and ‘How to Catch a Star’. Both texts follow a predictable narrative structure in which the main characters have a ‘problem’ they need to solve. Students are learning to identify the different parts of a narrative within each story. 1J have also been writing their own compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions, such as ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘so’. This week students will now write their own narratives, thinking of their own characters, ‘problems’ and solutions!
In maths, students have been learning about different strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. As George Polya (a Hungarian mathematician), once said “it is better to solve one problem five different ways than to solve five problems one way!” We explored different strategies this week including the number line, ‘counting on’, using a hundreds chart and MAB blocks. Students have also been enjoying our ‘warm up games’ to begin lessons with different resources such as cards, dominoes and blocks!
1J are looking forward to more exciting events in Term 4 such as our Friday ultimate frisbee program and our Stage 1 excursion to the NSW Schoolhouse Museum!
Miss Jacob - 1J Classroom Teacher
Stage 2
As students returned to school, they were filled with excitement about the new learning ahead. This term, Year 4 will dive into a new text about AFL legends Adam Goodes and Michael O’Loughlin. We will look at themes of friendship, family, leadership, and goal-setting. This week, we learned more about these two famous players and what makes them great role models. In class, 4J brainstormed the qualities of good role models and collaborated in groups to create their own definitions.
“A role model is a person who is responsible, and people look up to. They are humble and kind to others. A role model encourages people and is very open-minded.”
“A role model is kind and loving to everyone around them. They are always aspiring to be the best they can be.”
“A role model is an upstander and other people look up to them.”
This week, during literacy activities, students explored AI picture generators. They used AI to create an image that closely matched the one below. Their goal was to replicate the image as accurately as possible.
Laying on a rainbow platform was a navy gecko. Its body was covered with white, orange, blue and red Kandinsky circles. On the outside of its large black pupils was fiery orange. In the background, there was a carpet of blurred illusions. The walls were made of blue, orange and white. Jake and Roy
The gecko has big, gradient, orange round eyes. Underneath where the gecko is standing there are squigly mixed lined colours. Aligned rainbow circles on the gecko with blue and orange webbed feet. The gecko's skin is dark blue and the background is a multicoloured spiral optical illusion. There are multicoloured floating rubber band balls in the background on a rainbow checkered floor. Diya and Jude
A gecko with round large orange eyes. The gecko has a tail and is surrounded by colourful optical illusions. The gecko has navy skin with colourful Kandinsky circles and red and blue webbed feet. The gecko has white lips and is standing on all fours on a rainbow floor. There is also round multicoloured boulders floating but some are on the multicoloured floor. In the background there are some rectangular prisms with colourful swirls. Henry, Oliver and Mason
There is a navy blue, white and orange gecko who is surrounded by optical illusions and rainbow Kandinsky circles. There are also three-dimensional shapes around it such as rectangular prisms, spheres and diamonds. Christian and Ethan
In maths, 4J are exploring the different ways fractions can be represented. They were thrilled to use the 'The Maths Learning Centre' website on the computer to experiment with this concept. Students created fraction walls and compared equivalent fractions, showcasing their understanding.
4J is eager for more exciting learning experiences this term and can't wait to share them with you!
Mrs Jones - Stage 2 Assistant Principal
Stage 3
Exploring Characterisation and Stereotypes in August and Jones
In Stage 3, our students have been delving into the captivating world of characterisation and stereotypes through the engaging novel, August and Jones. This literary journey has allowed our students to not only connect with the characters on a deeper level but also to reflect on the broader implications of the stereotypes presented in the story.
A standout moment in our study so far has been students making personal connections with the experiences of one of the main characters, Jones. In the accompanying picture, you can see a sample of a student’s work that highlights their insightful analysis of Jones' journey, illustrating how it resonates with their own experiences. This personal engagement fosters empathy and a better understanding of diverse perspectives.
Additionally, our discussions have led us to critically examine the stereotypes depicted in the novel. Students have identified various typical stereotypes and explored how these can influence perceptions in real life. This analysis is crucial as it encourages them to think critically about the characters and the messages conveyed through the narrative.
As we continue to explore these themes, we are proud of the thoughtful reflections and discussions our students are engaging in. Their ability to connect literature to their own lives is a testament to their growing analytical skills and compassion. We look forward to seeing how their understanding of these important themes develops further throughout the year.
Mr Love - Relieving Stage 3 Assistant Principal