English News
Spelling - Soundwaves
Weeks 5 (Unit 32) , 6 (Unit 33) and 7 (Unit 34)
Kim Hill
Years 3-6 English Coordinator
K-2 News
Phonics Update
Week 4: Consolidating wh and ph: whip when whack whiz whiff whisk graph dolphin phonics
Week 5: Soft g and c: (rule: the g and c are soft when followed by an e, i or y) gem gent gel angel cent cents pencil
Year 1
Week 4: /air/ and /ear/: fair pair hair fairy repair chair flair ear dear hear gear clear spear smear yearly appear
Week 5: :/are/ and /eer/: care fare bare scare stare share spare deer peer steer cheer sneer career
Year 2
Week 4: f to v plurals (rule: some words ending in ‘f’ are changed into plurals by changing f to v and adding es) leaves loaves knives shelves halves thieves lives wives wolves
Week 5: Revising Year 2 Content: Teachers will be revising the sounds that students had more difficulty grasping for the remainder of the year in preparation for Year 3
Mrs Kate Gill
K-2 English Coordinator