Classroom connections

What's happening in the 3/4 corner?
Imagine la vie en 2200
Les élèves de CM1 ont imaginé le monde de 2200 ! Ils ont particulièrement aimé l'idée du voyage dans le temps. Les élèves ont dû imaginer comment seraient les écoles, les habitations, l'alimentation, les moyens de transport en 2200 et aussi inventer un objet du futur. Par groupe, ils ont préparé une affiche puis l’ont présentée à leurs camarades de classe. Par ce projet d’écriture, ils ont pu réviser leur conjugaison du futur.
A skip counting scavenger hunt in the Prep rooms
As part of our current unit in Mathematics, students have been practising the principles of skip counting. This week, they conducted a scavenger hunt, applying their knowledge to find hidden clues throughout the school. Their hunt led them to a message of congratulations on our digital billboard at the front of the school. They all had a blast!
Dans le cadre de notre programme de mathématiques, les élèves ont pu s’entraîner à compter en intervalles cette semaine en participant à une chasse aux trésors, selon les principes qu’ils ont appris. Les indices étaient cachés tout autour de l’école. La mission les a finalement conduits vers l’écran digital devant l’école où ils ont découvert une image pour les féliciter. Ils se sont bien amusés !
Prep Team /L’équipe de grande section
What's happening in Sports?
Hi this is Emilie and Hugo from 5D. Today we met Ben, a professional cricket player from South Caulfield Cricket Club.
He taught us the different roles in cricket: The wicket keeper, the bowler, the batter and all of the fielders. We did a warm up game which involved fielding and bowling . For the bowling we first practised then we had a little competition of who could get the most points. The competition scoring was based on if you could hit the wickets, if you hit the wickets your team got 5 points and if you got it passed the white cones around the wickets with only 1 bounce on the floor you got 1 point.
How the throwing game worked was we had wickets and around them we had cones shaped as a diamond there were 2 team and red and a white, the red team had to get the ball to the wickets that were surrounded by white cones and the white team had to do the same but get it to the wickets that were surrounded by red cones.
At the end we had time to play continuous cricket it was super fun. Most of us already knew how to play because of our sports teacher Mr Van Dyk. We want to say a big thank you to Mr Van Dyk for organising this and to Ben for teaching us how to play cricket.
We all enjoyed having you at CJC. We really hope you come back to CJC again!
Camp Rumbug souvenir video...