From Our Sick Bay

There is an increased risk of seasonal asthma, hay fever and epidemic thunderstorm asthma during seasons with increased grass pollen levels. In Victoria, this is typically between October and December.
Epidemic thunderstorm asthma is triggered by a combination of higher grass pollen levels and a certain type of thunderstorm.
People with a history of asthma, undiagnosed asthma or hay fever are at risk under these conditions. This risk is increased further for people who have poorly treated hay fever and asthma.
The best way to reduce and prevent symptoms of asthma or hay fever and reduce absences from school is to follow an up-to-date asthma action plan or hay fever treatment plan, provided by a GP or specialist.
You may have all seen some posters up around the school this week to help raise awareness around ADHD and understanding neurodiversity. These posters are located outside near the Prep area, outside the portables, on the main building and also a display in the Library window in the hallway.
About 1 in 5-6 children have variations in their brain development. These variations include those seen in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism and dyslexia. These children can be described as neurodivergent.
Being Neurodivergent presents in different ways for different people and for children as we learn how different brains work and function in (& out) of the school setting - learning how to best support our children to thrive and enjoy school.
There are so many positive qualities of having ADHD. They are; being spontaneous, being super focused, being creative, and having lots of energy. Positive characteristics also include having a great sense of humour that can reduce stress and strengthen bonds, having the ability to find alternate paths to overcoming obstacles, being caring and wanting to help others, being excellent organisers using journals and reminders, being enthusiastic, creative and willing to try new things. And the best quality is being open minded, generous, empathetic and compassionate towards others.
If you wish to know more, please find some resources around neurodiversity & support below 🧡💛
Amanda Allan
First Aid Officer / Library Tech