Sujata Symons
Sujata Symons
Our new sundial!
Last term, students in years 3 and 4 learnt about the Sun and its importance in our solar system as well as time telling methods. Students made a sundial and saw the connection with modern day analogue clocks. Following on from this, there is now a sundial in the school yard which is located in the rose garden of the assembly area. This new feature in the schoolyard is there to spark curiosity and for students to find an alternate way to find out the time.
This term, students in years 3 and 4 will be learning about Physical Science. They will explore concepts related to Forces and Heat.
To begin the term, we have explored forces and friction. Students have completed several experiments based on friction including car tyres and how different surfaces impact on the amount of friction they have. They investigated book friction and whether interwoven pages of books can be easily pulled apart. More recently, students created their own hovercraft using limited materials to explore how they move. They completed this lesson by creating their own hovercraft on Minecraft Education.
Investigating Book Friction
Our Hovercraft models Minecraft Education Hovercraft by Derin 4MW