Parents & Friends' (PFA)

We are absolutely flying through our final term, its hard to believe we have only 6 weeks of the year left! We have a few events still to come this year. Please save the date for our Working Bee which is planned for Sunday 1st December from1.30pm-3.30pm. The invites will be sent out on Operoo. More details to follow on WhatsApp & email, so keep an eye out for the messages.
The school will be holding the Christmas Carols on Friday 6th December, this event runs from 6.00pm-8.00pm.The PFA will run a raffle at this event and there will be a sausage sizzle and of course the snow cone machine will be in action. There will be more communication in the coming weeks about donations for the raffle as well as ticketing information.
A massive thank you to all the parents and families who volunteered their time for our events during Term 3. We had a hugely successful Father’s Day event and Stall, well done to Rosaline and Monika who rounded up the troops and worked very hard to ensure the event went off without a hitch!
Thanks also to everyone who donated prizes or bought tickets for our concert raffle, we had so many donations that we decided to keep a few for our Christmas Raffle.
Special thanks to Wes for organising the Ice-cream van for the kids at the end of Term, the children were so excited and hopefully we can squeeze in another visit or 2 before the end of the year.
Thanks to Kate Buick who organised cupcakes for the St Anthony's staff to celebrate World Teacher’s Day.
Please join us for our final PFA meeting of the year and our AGM on Wednesday 27th November at 7.30pm. This is a great opportunity to get involved with the PFA planning for
next year and we would love to see lots of new faces as we prepare to say goodbye to some parents who have been on the PFA for many years. We really hope to see you there!
The PFA Committee Members