Social & Emotional Wellbeing (SEL)

Social and Emotional Wellbeing - SEL
At school the SEL lessons have a strong focus on respect to self and others and empathy, considering how one might feel. During this term the focus develops through the year levels to make the children understand their emotions, reactions and the need to do, say and act in a manner that is respectful to everyone.
As adults we set the example to the children at school and at home so that they know what is acceptable behavior for all. Together we can demonstrate how we can embed the value of Respect and Excellence.
Our aim is for all children to know how to behave in a respectful and kind manner to all. We hope that this is also reflected at home to embed the children's learning and practices.
Please see below the development of the focus through the years.
Learning Intention 1.
- We are learning about the importance of using manners
Success Criteria 1.
I will be successful if I can:
- Discuss ways we can use our manners at home and in the classroom
- Share different phrases we can use such as ‘please’ and 'thank you' to show manners
- Share times you have used manners at school or at home
- Record ways I can show manners and share your response with my class
Learning Intention 2.
- We are learning about emotions
Success Criteria 2.
I will be successful if I can:
- Brainstorm a list of emotions
- Discuss facial expressions which match with different emotions (happy - smiling and laughing, sad cry etc)
- share different times when they have experienced different emotions
Learning Intention 3.
- We are learning to include others and be kind to each other
Success Criteria 3.
I will be successful if I can:
- include others to play
- be kind to others
- stand up to help others
- sort out problems - ‘STOP I don’t like it!’
Learning Intention 4.
- We are learning about being respectful to others
Success Criteria 4.
I will be successful if I can:
- discuss ways to be respectful to others at school and home
- list three ways I can be respectful to others
- discuss how respect look like?
Year 3 and 4 - Emotional Literacy
Learning Intention 1.
- Students develop their vocabulary to identify and describe their emotions
- Students identify the ways in which emotions are shown in body language
Success Criteria 1.
- Describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions
- Investigate how emotional responses vary in depth and strength
- Understand how to interact positively with others in different situations
- Examine how success, challenge and failure strengthen personal identities.
- Recognising positive, negative and mixed emotions
Learning Intention 2.
- Students review a vocabulary that can be used to describe a range of positive and negative emotions
- Students identify triggering events or situations that can lead to particular emotional responses
- Students investigate the notion of mixed emotions or emotional complexity
Selection Criteria 2.
- Explore the significance of ‘means versus ends’ by considering two ways to act when presented with a problem: one that focuses on the means and one that focuses on the end result.
- Discuss the role and significance of conscience and reasoning in ethical decision-making.
Year 5 and 6 - Ethical Capability
Learning Intention 1.
- We are learning what “means to an end” means and looking at different means to an end scenarios.
Success Criteria 1.
- I will be successful when I can explain what “means to an end” is and apply ethical reasoning to it.
Learning Intention 2.
- We are learning to keep safe online
Success Criteria 2.
- I will be successful when I can recognise unsafe online behaviour and explain ways to keep safe.