5/6 News…

World Teachers’ Day
Thank you to the year 5/6 students for making World Teachers’ Day so much fun! The teachers enjoyed having the SRC students teach for a session and then run a Kahoot for the whole year level. The kind words on our certificates meant a lot to us.
Our year 5/6 students have shown their fabulous writing potential as they refined their knowledge about poetry writing over the past couple of weeks. . They were given plenty of opportunity to create poetry of their own, and the results are outstanding!
We've started to experiment in the senior building
Our senior students have transitioned into learning about Solids, Liquid & Gases, which they will continue to study for the remainder of the year. Students have so far demonstrated their understanding of matter, through a recap session from what they have previously learned, and then were able to watch an old favourite experiment, the mentos in the diet coke bottle, which they all seemed to enjoy.
Once inside, students were shown how to fill out a lab report, and they had to conduct their own experiment, which was analysing what happens to ice cubes if salt is added to the dish that they are in.
We have a number of different experiments coming up over the next few weeks which the kids are looking forward to.