From the Music Room

Mrs Keep


  • Our annual Christmas concert will take place on Thursday December 12, after school from 5 - 7 pm.
  • In readiness for this, each class and choir will begin learning and rehearsing Christmas songs throughout the term.
  • Please put this date in your calendar - we hope you can come along to help celebrate!

Happenings in our FOUNDATION classes:

We’ve been learning the song Tingalayo which is a calypso style. Students created different activities that the donkey in the song might do! 

Happenings in year 1 and 2:

Students have been practicing their skills on the marimbas and xylophones, playing in the centre of the bar with bouncy notes.

They have also been continuing to listen to The Carnival of the Animals. This week we heard music on the piano depicting The Kangaroo. 

Year 3 and 4:

Students are keenly rehearsing multicultural dances. Watch this space for photos to come!


Year 5 and 6:

Much fun has been had by our senior students who have been having a go at chair drumming and engaging in a variety of drama activities. Below you might see examples of a pair of shoes,  a pair of thongs, the letter X,  the Statue of Liberty , a flower in a vase... Students’ creativity is amazing!