Literacy News

Library Updates
More new books are now available to borrow at the library. Big thanks to the Davatzis family for their generous donations of books.
We will be opening the library on a Wednesday morning from 8.30 -8.50am. This is an opportunity for parents to visit our library with their children to browse our fabulous range of books. You can enter the library via the middle doors near OSHC, and children must be accompanied by an adult.
Please note that the library won't be open on Wednesday 13th November due to the year 5/6 camp.
Lions Public Speaking Competition Final
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting the Lions Public Speaking competition final at Donvale Primary School. This event will be held in the BER building on Tuesday 19th November from 10am. We wish our finalists, JZ, Lily and Marley all the very best as they compete against finalists from other schools. No matter what happens, we are already so proud of the three of you!