
Birthdays and Awards


Happy birthday to Alice Coombes, Sriyan Sriramineni, Yolanda Wu and William Agnew who have celebrated . We have celebrated a birthday. We hope your day was amazing.


Merit Awards

Cydi Vaisey: excellent listening in class!

Archie Smith: excellent persuasive writing.

Jesse Kelly: creating a wonderful poster about trees.

Aubree Butcher: fantastic efforts in all areas of Literacy this week.

Eloise Trotter: writing an in depth story focusing on the use of symbols.

Owen Gardner: hard work in mathematics, solving problems using order of operations.

Sriyan Sriramineni: excellent efforts in all learning areas!

Jet Martin: trying his best in all learning tasks this week.

Oliver Shorter: great improvement in reading fluency.

Merit Award Recipients
Merit Award Recipients
Merit Award Recipients
Merit Award Recipients

Legends of the Light Shine Awards - ‘Compassion’ 

Eadie Armytage, Darcy Coker, Mason Johnston, Gwyneth Kelly, Michael Maughan, Destiny Smith, Mila Doring, Patricia Towns, Maisy Armytage, Joseph Sullivan, Josie Duff, Isaac Marshman.

Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients

Laudato Si' Award

Pippa Duff, Jack Kenafick, Georgia Abra.

Pippa Duff
Jack Kenafick
Georgia Abra
Pippa Duff
Jack Kenafick
Georgia Abra

 Reading Award

Patricia Towns, Thomas Aurisch, Jack Sullivan, Qunesha Sing-Adams, Stella Agnew.

Reading Award Recipients
Reading Award Recipients
Reading Award Recipients
Reading Award Recipients