Student Learning

Math: Students have been learning about graphs by sorting different things into size or colour, and learning how many tens and ones numbers have by rolling a dice and using MAB (Multibase Arithmetic Blocks) to make the number.
Literacy: Students enjoy playing the game "Boom, Clap" to see who is the quickest to grab each vowel. They have also been practicing beginning blends in second work time.
Art: Foundation students drew ghosts and stuck them onto a collaged fluorescent background to make them pop!
Year 1/2
Reading: This term, our author study is Anna Walker and Jane Godwin. Students enjoyed reading Tilly and Walter and Lottie. You might like to ask your child about one of these books or what items they would choose to put in the treasure box they created based on Tilly.
Writing: Inspired by our author study, the students created their own imaginary friends and wrote narratives that included a problem and its solution.
Math: The students are learning how to match numbers using their place value. They also explored understanding coordinates to locate and record the position of objects.
PE: T-ball proved to be a huge hit with the students, who had a great time practicing their batting and fielding skills while working together as a team.
Art: Students have had fun printing a page full of tulips for spring.
Year 3/4
Mia B, Abby, Paige and Skye - we made cranes because we read a book called Sadako and the 1000 paper cranes, Sadako made cranes in the book to hold out hope that she would survive Leukemia. We now can put ourselves in Sadakos shoes. One crane took us the whole hour to make and we can respect Sadakos resilience.
The Year 3/4 students have had a brilliant start to term 4, particularly in writing. We have been using prompts to write stories to enter in to the Cobram Show.
Chloe is smashing editing her story! Upleveling word choice and adding detail! Well done!
Charlotte has done an amazing job with our vocab words. Fantastic work!
As part of our author study, the Year 3/4 students met our author Jacqueline Harvey over a Zoom meeting. It was fantastic! She spoke to us about her inspirations, the writing process, and some very funny stories about how she creates her characters. We have enjoyed reading her books for the last 2 weeks and are very grateful for the opportunity to meet her!
Students have been working on vocab posters and are very proud of their work. Our words are Falter, Bleak and feeble. Please ask you child what they mean and use them in a sentence.
Art - Year 3/4 students worked on blending techniques with pastels to create tulips for spring. They have also been making spooky eyeballs for Halloween.
Year 5/6
5/6 Passion Projects are making way for their up and coming mysterious and suspenseful Anthony Horowitz inspired narrative pieces. Works still in progress; watch this space for some top notch published pieces!
5/6 have working hard on their still life pears using blending techniques with paint to create form and make the pears look realistic.