What's Happening

Term 4, 2024
Friday 1st November - Pre-Prep Program Commences
Friday 1st November - Junior and Senior Spelling Bee 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Friday 1st November - Assembly
Monday 4th November - Student Free Day for Report Writing
Tuesday 5th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Friday 8th November - Pre Prep Program
Monday 11th November - Remembrance Day - Student Leaders attending ceremony
Friday 15th November - Assembly
Friday 22nd November - Pre-Prep Program
Monday 25th November - First Aid in Schools Program
Tuesday 26th November - First Aid in Schools Program
Friday 29th November - Pre-Prep Program
Friday 29th November - Assembly
Monday 2nd December to Friday 13th December - Swimming Program
Thursday 5th December - Grade 6 Graduation
Friday 6th December - Pre-Prep Program
Tuesday 10th December - State Wide Transition Day
Friday 13th December - Final Assembly
Monday 16th December - Term 4 EMMAC Excursion
Wednesday 18th December - Christmas Concert
Friday 20th December - Last day of Term 4 - School finishes at 1:30pm
Pre-Prep Program
We are very excited to announce that our Pre-Prep Program for 2025 Foundation students will commence on Friday 1st November.
Remembrance Day
In the lead up to Remembrance Day on Monday 11th November we have Poppy Appeal merchandise available for sale at the office. Poppies range from $1 to $5 each and arm bands are $3 each.
Swimming Program
Our Swimming Program commences on Monday 2nd December for all students. These lessons form part of our Health and Physical Education learning area and all students are expected to participate. Unfortunately there may be days we may need to cancel lessons, due to cold temperatures, and we will notify families via Facebook and Compass if this is the case.
School Reminders
A reminder to all families that our school hours are 9am to 3:20pm. We understand that mornings can be hectic and that it can be difficult to schedule appointments out of school hours but this shouldn’t be a regular occurrence. When students are late to school, they are missing crucial literacy time which impacts not only them, but also the rest of the class and teacher. The same can be said for the end of the school day. Students are dismissed at 3.20pm and unless there is an important reason eg appointment, collecting them early for convenience means that they are missing out on important learning time and disrupting the entire class. Some things are unavoidable and we do understand this but it should not be a regular occurrence.
- Before School - Please be aware that the school gates are not opened until 8:15am and the Crossing Supervisor starts at 8:15am. Teacher supervision is available in the yard from 8:45am, as per Education Department Guidelines. Students arriving at school prior to 8:45am will not be supervised and should be booked into Before School Care if they need to be at school prior to 8:30am. Please do not allow students to arrive early and wait outside the gates as this is a safety issue.
- After School - School finishes at 3:20pm and supervision in the yard is available until 3:30pm. All students must be picked up by 3:30pm or booked into After School Care. Students that walk or ride home are asked to depart the school straight after the bell. If your child rides a bike or scooter to school, by law, they must be wearing a securely fitted helmet for their own safety. We have been notified by the police that they will be making regular patrols and issuing fines for anyone who is operating a bike or scooter and not wearing a helmet - the fines begin at $227. Please also remember that if your child rides a bike or scooter to school that a bike chain/lock needs to be provided by families and will not be the responsibility of the school.