Principal's News

Dear SMCM Community, Wominjeka!
Prep Orientation
Today our 2025 Prep students had their first orientation session in the learning spaces. Our ‘Pathway to Prep’ program is designed to gradually build confidence and independence at school while becoming familiar with the environment and routines of school. We can’t wait to see you all again next Thursday!
Learning Conversations
This week’s Learning Conversations have been a wonderful opportunity to celebrate students’ academic and social emotional growth and achievements. The Learning Conversations are a key component of our Assessment & Reporting policy and they way we share learning with parents. This conversation provides:
- an ongoing partnership between home and school
- keeps families informed of student learning progression in line with the Victorian Curriculum
- an opportunity to discuss academic and social emotional learning and future goals
On Friday 13th December students will bring home their Semester 2 Progression Report. This report shows your child’s learning progression against the Victorian Curriculum and Religious Education Framework.
2025 Class Lists
This week the staff have begun the complex task of preparing the 2025 class lists. Students have been asked to select five students they think make supportive learning partners for next year’s class. Please talk with your child about their selection of peers for 2025 and discuss what makes a good learning buddy. There is lots of time to play with our friends outside at break times. The staff at SMCM appreciate the trust you place in us as we spend considerable time planning for homegroups that will support your child in their learning.
Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser
This Sunday, November 17th, we’ll be hosting the BBQ at Bunnings Epping as a fundraiser to support the costs of our 2025 School Fair. I’d like to extend my thanks to the nine parents who have generously volunteered their time to assist with this event.
School events are only possible with the support of parent volunteers. When just one adult from each of our 409 families volunteers a few hours each year, it helps ensure the success of our community events and fundraising efforts. I have fond memories of my own parents volunteering at my primary school—my dad served for many years as the secretary of the works and maintenance committee and my mum ran the second-hand uniform sales. When families are engaged and active in a school community, it sends a powerful message of the value and importance of education to their children. I’d like to thank all the families who regularly volunteer their time to make a difference in our school community.
If you’re able to volunteer an hour of your time on Sunday to cook or serve at the BBQ, please contact Kristie or leave your name at reception. More information is available in the Community and Family Engagement section of our newsletter. We also encourage everyone to come along to Bunnings on Sunday to buy a sausage and show your support!
Our thoughts and prayers are with Ricky, Elizabeth, Jayden (Homegroup), Azariah (Einstein Homegroup), S and S on the sad passing of Ricky's mother Maryam.
Thank you for your continued support of our school and community.