Year 4

Hello from 4S

It’s hard to believe that it’s already Term 4!  What a fantastic year we’ve had in Year 4 this year. 

Last week, Year 4S got to experience the Smoothie Bar incursion.  Throughout the day, students got to work in groups to develop a product name, design, slogan and even a jingle.  They then got to create their own smoothie blend.  The first version had some hits and misses, with students going back to redesign their smoothies after feedback from each other.  At the end of the day, groups presented their ideas to the ‘Shark Tank’ panel of judges to vote for the best concept.

The smoothie bar incursion leads into our inquiry topic for this term.  Students will learn to ‘Market What You Make’ by coming up with a design and idea for their own product to sell on a food truck.  This will work in conjunction with their art project this term of developing their own food truck and design.  We’re excited to work together with Mrs Humphrey to develop our exciting designs.