Principal's Report

Ms Soutar
I would like to acknowledge the contribution Ms Soutar has made to the school over the past term in her role as Acting Assistant Principal. Ms Soutar has done all of our daily organisation in my absence, and as such I have asked her to continue in this role and help out again during Mr Moorhouse’s absence. As always, if you have any questions your first option is to go to the class teacher or the year level team leader. From time-to-time things do need to come to the principal team, so please be reassured that Mr B, Ms Soutar or I will always assist where needed.
Year 1 and 2 Swimming
A special thank you to the helpers during Year 1 and 2 swimming. These weeks are intense but very worthwhile for our students.
We have increased reports of students testing positive to Covid. Whilst there are no mandates around isolation, I do ask that your child stays home until symptoms have subsided to avoid infecting other students and teachers and indeed those who remain vulnerable.
Mobile Phones
Please talk with your child about the rules when bringing their mobile phone onsite. I have had a couple of incidents of inappropriate use of mobile phones especially before school. Please remind your child that they are to be kept in their bag before school, handed to the teacher upon arrival in the classroom and collected at the end of the day. Student mobile phone use at school is prohibited.
I wanted to extend my thanks to Michelle in the office and the team of hard-working parents who organised our recent trivia night. It was a huge success, and we raised a considerable amount of money for our planned Ninja Course.
Thanks to Casey, Nicky, Tiff, Nat and Julie for your tireless effort in making this event happen. Also let’s not forget our quiz master Al Kilby for giving up his night to compere and test our knowledge. Thanks to our parent community for supporting this event.
World Teachers Day
I just wanted to express my appreciation for all those who took a moment to write a nice comment about their teacher/s. Our facebook page was flooded with lovely comments.
If your child will not be at LPS next year, could you please notify the office as soon as possible. This will help with 2025 planning.
Have a great fortnight!
Nicola Pepper
Acting Principal