Things to know

The community members of Launching Place Primary School acknowledge the traditional owners, the Kulin nations, of the land on which we learn and play.
We pay respects to the Aboriginal Elders, past and present, who are our teachers.
We thank them for taking care of children and country for countless generations.
Breakfast Club runs every Wednesday and Thursday from 8.10 - 8.40 (limited menu after 8.30). All welcome!
Parent helpers are most welcome to pop in and give a lending hand. Thank You To Esme for all
Please ensure that you provide consent for any upcoming excursions prior to the specified closing date. Once bookings with venues and transportation have been confirmed, and staffing ratios established, it is typically not possible to accommodate late additions. Changes after these arrangements are finalized may disrupt our planning. If you have any financial concerns regarding an excursion, we encourage you to reach out before the closing date to discuss potential options.
As the UV levels rise above 3 across Victoria, it’s time to remind your students and staff about the importance of being SunSmart.
Exposure to the sun’s UV during childhood and adolescence has a big impact on skin cancer risk – but it’s almost entirely preventable with good sun protection:
SLIP on sun protective clothing
SLOP on SPF50+ broad spectrum water-resistant sunscreen
SLAP on a wide brim, bucket or legionnaire hat
SEEK shade when outdoors
SLIDE on sunglasses, where practical.
Sun Smart : Hats are to be worn outside for terms 1 & 4 as part of our Sun Smart Policy
Prep Parent Information Evening
Thursday 21st November at 6:00-7:00pm Our Prep teachers and our principal provide parents with information about your child’s prep transition. You will also receive a Prep Information Booklet, with important information about our school and prep program, as well as tips to support your child’s transition to school. Orientation Day Venue: Please sign in at our office for each session, after which you will be guided to the designated area. Tuesday 10th December at 9:30am-12:30pm Enrolled prep students will meet their new prep teacher and class for the 2025 school year. Students will engage in activities whilst getting to know their teacher & peers.
School preparations for the bushfire season
Each year, we undertake a range of activities to ensure the safety of our school and to prepare for bushfires and grassfires.
An important part of this process is communicating to parents what will happen when certain fire danger ratings are issued to help ensure the safety of students and staff.
School Prepaeration for bushfire Season
Our school has been identified as being at risk of bushfire or grassfire and is a Category 3 school.
Our school will close on a day forecasted as Catastrophic fire danger rating in the Central fire district.
Closure of the school due to a Catastrophic fire danger rating will be enacted when the Bureau of Meteorology forecast, and related public safety messaging are confirmed. Due to uncertainties in the forecast, the timing of this confirmation may vary. Information regarding potential or confirmed Catastrophic fire danger days will be communicated to you by Sentral and SMS and our Website.
It is also important to be aware that:
- No one will be on site on days where the school is closed due to a forecast Catastrophic day.
- Out-of-school-hours care will also be cancelled on these days.
- All bus routes that travel through the Catastrophic area will be cancelled.
- School camps will be cancelled if a Catastrophic fire danger rating day is forecast for fire weather district in which the camp is located, or if the travel involves passing through areas that have Catastrophic fire danger.
As part of preparing our school for the fire season, we have updated and completed our Emergency Management Plan.
What can families and the school community do to help us prepare?
- Ensure we have your current contact details, including your mobile phone numbers.
- Keep in touch with us by via Sentral, checking our website and you can find us on Facebook.
- Make sure your family’s bushfire survival plan is up-to-date and includes alternative care arrangements if our school is closed due to Catastrophic fire danger. Further information can be found on the CFA’s website.
- Action your family’s bushfire survival plan if your own triggers are met. Our school community may be spread out across many areas and some families may be at higher risk than others. Your family’s safety is critical, so please let us know if you are actioning your bushfire survival plan and if your children will be absent on these days.
- If your child is old enough, talk to them about bushfires and your family’s bushfire survival plan.
Families are encouraged to action their Bushfire Survival Plan on Catastrophic fire danger rating days in their district. The safest option is to leave the night before or early on the morning of the Catastrophic day. On such days, children should never be left at home alone or in the care of older children.
You can find more information on emergencies, warnings and preparedness actions here:
- VicEmergency app – that can be downloaded on your android and iOS mobile devices
- VicEmergency Hotline (1800 226 226)
- Website
- ABC local radio, Sky News and other emergency broadcasters