Level 4

What a busy couple of weeks we have had in Level 4! Between incredible incursions, sensational swimming lessons and all of our usual learning, we have had a ball!
The Matter of Matter
Our Inquiry incursion, centred around learning about the three states of matter was an absolute hit. We learned about solids, liquids, gases (and plasma!) and how matter can go from one state to another to another. The experiments we took part in helped us to understand this and also have some (safe) fun with dry ice along the way.
The Level 4 teachers have been so proud of the effort students put into their swimming lessons in Week 4. They have come every day with smiles on their faces, listened carefully to their swimming teachers and improved their skills, having fun in the process!
Over the past few weeks, we have been hard at work building on our persuasive writing skills. We have been learning how to structure the perfect paragraph, understand our audience and use effective persuasive devices. As a Halloween 'trick', the teachers decided to round up all the chairs and have students 'persuade' us to give them back. This made for some very convincing writing pieces!