Level 1

It’s been a fun fortnight, filled with lots of fun and exciting new skills being learnt. Check out what we have been up to!
We have been learning a new skill to search and use information to help us understand what we are reading. We used different passages of information to read and help us learn something new. Halloween was so much fun to learn about and learn about where it originated from.
We have been continuing with investigating mass and weight, learning to estimate the mass of different jobs. We have also been investigating and questioning our friends to create a survey and using the data to create a graph. It’s been lots of fun!
We had lots of fun at swimming. Learning new ways of swimming and spending time with our friends. Thumbs up for having fun!
Science incursion - Mad About Science
This term we have been learning about science and investigating change, trying to see whether changes we have seen can be reversed. We had Mad about Science come to our school and transform us into scientists. Lots of fun was had and we got to do lots of experiments that involved chemical change. Some of the experiments we did were:
exploding snack lock bags, fizzing aspirin explosion and a cabbage colour changing experiment.