
Foundation students had a great time last week during swimming! They learnt lots of new skills in the pool and even participated in a survival session where they had to go in the pool wearing their clothes! Everyone did a great job of getting themselves ready for swimming and then getting changed back into their school clothes after their lesson.
We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. Students explored a variety of shapes and even made a few out of icy pole sticks and playdough. This made it easier to see how many sides/edges and corners/vertices each shape had while having lots of fun!
In writing we have been learning about procedures. Students have attempted writing several procedures and have looked closely at the elements required (such as the aim, steps and results sections). We made a bridge for a goat to cross like the one in ' Three Billy Goat's Gruff' with our buddies and then wrote a procedure on how to build our bridge. In reading we have been having a go at 5 finger retells (setting, characters, beginning, middle and end).