Education in Faith


Education in Faith – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Gospel Reflection

In this week’s gospel we read a very familiar parable and one that is often used with students and young people. It is generally used as an encouragement to make the most of the gifts and skills that the listeners possess. 

The story is presented as a parable of the Kingdom – a glimpse into the right order of things in the realised Kingdom. A very wealthy master entrusts his considerable assets to his servants to manage in his absence. The three servants were allocated money, ‘each in proportion to his ability’. The emphasis of the parable is on what each servant did with the funds they were allotted. They were charged with managing the money in the place of their master; acting in their master’s place to further develop his wealth.

Like all of Jesus’ parables, this one has a sting in the tail. Although the third servant has done nothing illegal or corrupt, he is very harshly dealt with. His crime is laziness! He was given a great opportunity to demonstrate his abilities and yet he shied away and returned to his master exactly what had been entrusted to him, unimproved. The author of Matthew’s gospel uses this parable to shock the audience out of complacency. They cannot rely solely on the promised return of the Lord, they must continue to act on Jesus’ message and work to bring about the Kingdom in their own lives. Those who fail to act, leaving everything to the work of God, are as bad as the lazy servant who failed to grasp an extraordinary opportunity.

Discussion Starters

  • Why did the servant who received one talent hide it in a hole instead of investing it?
  • Why was the master so angry with the servant who received one talent?
  • How is a measure of money like a special natural ability?
  • Why do people hide their natural talents?
  • What talent do you have that you could use to make a difference in other people’s lives?
  • In what ways do you relate to a character in the parable?
  • What elements of our culture make it easier / more difficult to share our talents with others?
  • What talent do you have that you could use to make a difference in other people’s lives?
  • In what ways do you restrict others from opportunities to use their talents?
  • When have you ever allowed an opportunity to use your talents pass you by?

ATTENTION - SFS needs Altar Servers 

If your child has received their First Holy Communion, you are requested to kindly enrol them at St. Kevin’s Parish to support our school community when celebrating mass during school hours.

ENROLMENT FORMS - please note that there are new enrolment forms available in the foyer. As part of our Safeguarding Review and Risk Assessment and to comply with the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne Safeguarding Guidelines, all current Altar servers will need to complete the new enrolment forms and return them to the Parish Office. Completed forms may also be sent by email to


News from St. Kevin’s Parish


Sacramental News


To assist us with the administration and preparation of Sacraments for 2024, we ask you to fill in the Operoo form below, to indicate if your child will be receiving a Sacrament next year in 2024.

Junior and Senior parents ACCEPT or DECLINE this invitation by Friday 15th September.  Dates for Sacraments will be published in our school newsletter.

Reconciliation: baptized Catholics in Year 1, 2 and 3 or above.

Next year in 2024, children in:

  • Grade 2 and Grade 3 will receive Reconciliation.
  • Grade 3 and Grade 4 will receive Eucharist.
  • Grade 6 will receive Confirmation.

Reconciliation: baptized Catholics in Year 2 and 3.

Eucharist: baptized Catholics in Year 3 and 4 or above who have celebrated their Reconciliation.

Confirmation: Year 6 Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist.

If you have any further questions regarding your child receiving these Sacraments, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.

Yours Sincerely,

God Bless


Rozeta Ambrose










House points for this term so far are:



6 501



5 916



5 781



4 693

Well done Patrick! Remember we have all of this term to go so one of the other houses may take the lead. You can get points for demonstrating our PBL Values especially Respect: engage and persevere with tasks, which is our focus at the moment. 


Later this term we will also begin our Christmas Appeal and students will get points for the Christmas gifts and hamper items they bring in.



Mini Vinnies are now busily getting ready for our Christmas Appeal. Today Mini Vinnies decorated our hamper baskets in Christmas ribbons.


For the Christmas Appeal students will be asked to bring in hamper item and will be given the opportunity to buy a present for a child who may otherwise not receive a Christmas present this year. All items collected will go to our St Vincent de Paul Conference, Hampton Park which is based at St Kevin’s. They will then hand out the items to those within our community who are less fortunate and may not otherwise be able to celebrate the birth of Christ. Students will also be given points for their houses for each item they bring in, which demonstrates community spirit.


Giuliana & SFS Mini Vinnies