Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Fletcher Lawler | Persisting to complete his writing independently and including compound sentences | Ezekiel Bremner |
PB | Amelia Murphy | For working hard to build her independence in recording sounds she hears in words | Thomas Wilgose |
PC | Cooper Sinclair | For demonstrating place value using different materials | Paige Parviainen-Bedggood |
1A | Jack Armstrong | For working hard to achieve his learning goals and being kind to others | Tom Steinberger |
1B | Ava Maddern | For showing enthusiasm when writing her narrative | Archie Ennis |
1C | Harriet Mangan | For persisting at all tasks and trying her best | Charlie Sulzberger |
2A | Ethan Pitts | For always displaying the school values | Matilda Boorman |
2B | Patrick Van Emmerik | For always working hard to achieve his learning goals | Madison Lobb |
2C | Lara McGrath | For contributing great ideas and has an excellent attitude towards learning | Taryn Townsend |
3/4A | Edward Stone | His fantastic and improved effort towards his learning | Cooper Gelsumini |
3B | Wren O’Connell | For consistently showing dedication to all her learning tasks and producing high-quality work | Charlie Dobson |
3C | Isabella Pummeroy | For her exceptional work ethic and completing tasks to a high standard across all learning areas | Casey Lynikas |
4B | Scarlett Humphries | For working hard in all learning areas | Olivia Altham |
4C | Amara Truscott | For her great work ethic in all areas of learning | Oscar Knox |
5A | Beau Jorgensen | Outstanding poetry writing | Ben Kaminski |
5B | Hayley Elliott | For demonstrating persistence when completing assessment tasks | Sophie Hunter |
5C | William Van Emmerik | For outstanding confidence during the fractions and decimals unit | Sophie McGrath |
5/6D | Max Dremel | For his hard work in creating an interesting and engaging podcast | Reggie Mitchell |
6B | Mieka Molloy | For her thoughtful and detailed responses to our novel study on ‘The Explorer’ | Mia McBride |
6C | Declan Pitts | For going above and beyond with his reading responses to our novel study | Emily Wilkie |