School Leaders Report

We’ve got lots of exciting things coming up for the end of the year!
Our grade six students have their pool day coming up on Friday the 15th and their graduation on Monday the 18th. A reminder that all graduation forms need to be handed in by the 4th of December.
Our grade 3 students and preps are going on exciting excursions to the Melbourne and Werribee Zoos next week to go look at all the amazing animals. Our students are preparing for their Christmas carols on Friday the 15th and some are also participating in the Salesian Christmas carols.
On Friday the 1st of December we are having our ice cream day. It’s $2 for a normal scoop of ice cream or $4 for a scoop with toppings, the money raised from the ice cream day will go towards the school community.
Well done to all our students for doing so well with step up. We only have 2 more transition days left and all the students are doing so great. Well done!
Have a great week 😊
From your School and Vice Captains