During the Kismet Park carols event, on Friday 15th December, the PCA will be running a sausage sizzle, popcorn and fairy floss stall, so please bring along your coins and your appetite.
If you would like to help out the PCA and volunteer some time to help on the stall, please email KismetParkPCA@gmail.com. Remember you don’t have to volunteer for the whole time and every little bit helps.
If you would like to be part of the PCA (next year) or volunteer at the upcoming PCA events please contact KismetParkPCA@gmail.com. It is so rewarding and we would love to see you there.
The PCA would like to thank all those parents, grandparents, carers, staff, and community members who have helped out at all our events this year. Giving up your time as volunteers, or donating your products and services, to help at the different events and activities has meant a lot to us. It is extremely rewarding and we hope to see you all at the 2024 events.