Year 4/5/6

Sovereign Hill Camp
Last week we went to Sovereign Hill for camp.
The first activity when we got there was candle dipping. It was really cool. Mine didn't turn out as expected but it still looked really awesome.
We saw a light show which included a 3D documentary, a projection show on the bank of a river and a projection show where the light moved around us. That and the pantomime, we’re my favourite things about camp.
I also spent all of my money on lollies. They tasted REALLY good. When we went gold panning, Iots people found gold. It took me a while to find some but I didn't keep it. I just wanted to be able to say I found gold.
The cabins we were in were so much fun. My cabin woke up really early, and talked for ages after we woke up. In summary, it was fantastic!
Thank you very much to Mr D, Mrs Voce, John, Mrs Burchett and Mr O for all your hard work.
Emilia Morelli
4/5/6B Psalms
After studying and reading various psalms during Term 4, Grade 4/5/6B has been creating their own psalms.
By: Ryan, Charlotte, Lewis, Samuel