Year 3

Grade 3 News
Another productive and learning filled fortnight in the grade 3 classroom!
In our literacy learning we have read and interpreted some interesting poems, furthered our understanding of apostrophes, verbs, suffixes and prefixes, synonyms and antonyms as well as homophones! The class have enjoyed fun games of homophone pairs and synonym & antonym match! We have also engaged in some free choice writing using picture prompts as well as commenced our writing unit on persuasive texts! The students have come up with some convincing arguments in their writing pieces to sway readers to their point of view!
In maths we have been revising our knowledge of time as well as solving vertical multiplication and vertical addition equations. We continue to practise our times table recall skills and enjoy maths games!
We recently began our final RE topic for the year-Preparing for and Celebrating Christmas. We are learning all about Advent which is a special time to prepare for Christmas. Next week we look forward to making advent wreaths and advent calendars!
We enjoyed learning about zentangles and trying them out-a zentangle is a mindfulness drawing activity. Ask your child to show you how they are done-an enjoyable, relaxing and addictive activity and a nice brain break!
The students commenced a project based on the theme of Sustainability (our term 4 topic) and have chosen their method of presentation. We are enjoying working on these and are excited about presenting them during the final week of term…stay tuned!