Year 1/2

Year 1/2 students have formed their Inquiry questions and actions that they have been researching about. They will be working further on their actions in the next two weeks. The groups are Recycling cans, planting trees, nude food, wind and solar energy. It has been lovely to see students work collaboratively in these teams.
The highlight of our week was going on an excursion to Bendigo Pottery. We learnt about the history about how it started as a pottery business and how they still have visitors in to buy things and visit to learn more about it.
We got to watch a demonstration of how to use a pottery wheel to make things out of clay. After which we got a to play with the clay and make various things like snakes, frogs and bowls. We have brought all our clay things back and look forward to painting them with Miss Hine in the coming weeks during art classes.
We got to see what a kiln looks like and also were able to go inside an old one which was super cool.