From the Principal

Dear Families,
Where has the year gone? It seems to have flown by quickly and we are packing so much more into it. Camp, excursions, amazing learning in classes, as well as great time spent with friends, has made the last term go racing by, and still there is more to come.
Next week sees our new preps coming in for their second visit on Wednesday, the colour run on Friday and more amazing learning taking place in classes.
It is so much fun spending time in our school! Our students enjoy such a range of rich learning opportunities both within and beyond the classroom.
Class Placements for 2024
As we continue to draft our new classes for 2024, there are several factors that have been carefully considered. In each new class, teachers will aim to ensure that there is a balance of academic capabilities, social competencies, behavioural traits as well as catering for students with additional needs, so that the classes at each level have a balanced profile. In addition to these factors, our teachers also take into account each child’s peers to ensure that every child is matched to at least one friend that support their learning. As you can appreciate, this is a complex task with many aspects for consideration. To this end, please be assured that all of these factors are carefully considered. Like you, we want to ensure that we establish the best learning opportunities for all of our students.
Given the care that our teachers take in this process, we ask that parents refrain from requesting friendship groupings and teacher preferences, unless there are extenuating circumstances that we may not be aware of which may potentially impact on a child’s placement. If you believe that extenuating circumstances exist in regards to your child’s placement in 2024, please provide these details via email at by Friday 1st December.
Teacher Allocation and Class Placements – 2024
Please find below the classroom structures and teacher allocation for 2024. Class groupings will be distributed prior to Orientation day.
2024 Class Structures and Teachers | |
Foundation/Grade 1 | Kylie |
Grade 2/3 | Anushka & Linda |
Grade 3/4 | Steph & Cara |
Grade 4/5/6 | Marty |
St Mary’s Castlemaine School Fees 2024
Family Fee | $1,400 |
Family Capital Fee | $195 |
ICT Fee (per child) | $100 |
Curriculum Levy (per child) | $310 |
Excursion Levy (per child) | $100 |
Camp Fee - Senior Primary | TBC |
For your convenience we offer a number of methods for payment of school fees and levies. School fees and levies for the year are billed at the commencement of the year and payments are accepted by cash, Eftpos, MasterCard, Visa, and direct bank transfer.
Payment Options | 1 Child | 2 Children | 3 Children |
1 Annual Payment Due 20th September 2024 | $2,105 | $2,615 | $3,125 |
2 Bi-Annual Payments Due 28 March and 20 September | $1,052.50 | $1,307.50 | $1,562.50 |
3 Termly Payments Due 28 March, 28 June and 20 September | $701.70 | $871.70 | $1,041.70 |
10 Monthly Payments - Must commence Feb 2024 | $210.50 | $261.50 | $312.50 |
20 Fortnightly Payments - Must commence Feb 2024 | $105.25 | $130.75 | $156.25 |
If you would like to commence a monthly or fortnightly payment plan as per the above, please speak with the school office to collect a direct debit arrangement form.
Note Camp fee is TBD and will be charged in addition to the above for families with children in Grade 5 and 6.
In addition, to support families, Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools have a generous Concession Fee Policy. Please speak with the school office to collect an application or find out if your family is eligible.
Looking forward to a fantastic (and colourful) week next week.