School News 

Year 5 Tomorrow’s Leaders for Sustainability Program and South Melbourne Market Excursion


5A have spend the term with Alex Hoffman from the Port Philip Eco Centre exploring food miles and the carbon emissions involved in the distribution of goods. They explored what “Product of Australia”, “Made in Australia” and “Made in Australia from local and imported ingredients” actually means. Students explored simple items found in a supermarket basket and explored the food kilometres involved in getting goods to the consumer.


This culminated in their research aspect of their inquiry taking a field trip to South Melbourne Market. A special thanks to Dani, Ms Saundry, How Keat Lee and Emma for their support in assisting. Year 5 loved their excursion to South Melbourne Market exploring the economics and food aspect of their inquiry unit. Here’s some highlights we heard from the kids this morning;


- Getting a free mango, coconut, watermelon and more from SM Market Grocer just because we said it’s our favourite

- Lolly shop!

- The famous Sth Melb Dim Sim


- Gelato

- Oysters

- Hot chips


They got a lot of learning from market vendor Georgia from Georgia's Harvest understanding the costs and stock side of running a business.


Groups then went to stalls of their choice to conduct research surveys about business overheads, popular items, seasonal stock and much more. The market vendors were so happy to impart their business knowledge to the students. We even got a sneak peek into the back to see how waste is disposed of and the sustainable practices taking place.


5A will conclude their program with a trip to Port Phillip Eco Centre on the 5th of December.



Imagery poem:


Hanging within the treetops, my treehouse and I

Singing with the whistling birds and dancing with the swaging branches 

I smell pine cone, ivy and sweetly infused berries that fill me with glee 

Staying hidden behind the tallest trees in my creaky, sturdy rusty treehouse.


Amelia C 4R

STEM MAD Nationals - Year 2 and Year 6 

On Thursday 9th Novemberour Year 2 and Year 6 students represented Galilee at the Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools STEM Make a Difference finals national showcase.


Our representatives were;


Year 2 - GK Kids (Weather App)

Haell L, Alexander K, Luca D, Robyn M


GK Kids is a weather app designed to make understanding weather easy for kids. This is a digital technology based prototype, incorporating: Green screen, iMovie, editing and Marvel (app creation) that features a weekly weather forecast, with videos and experiments for kids to try at home. 


The app includes information about clouds, temperature recording, creating and using rain gauges to measure rainfall, the water cycles, El Nino / La Nina and how storms are created. The app will contain a weekly weather forecast, breaking it down into child friendly language phrasing for kids to understand.


Year 6 - Green Planters

Harriet M, Scarlett F, Imogen M, Chloe B


Green Planters is a concept using already proven technologies of a robot powered vacuum and adapting the technology to move along the seabed to plant seagrass to help repopulate dugong habitats in Australia. Students were able to prove the concept on Version 1 and Version 2 of their prototypes using an “m bot” that was remote controlled. The system uses GPS to accurately cover the seabed, and plans to use epoxy resin bodies to ensure the unit is sealed and waterproof. 


We are proud that our Year 2 team won the Communicator Award in the Primary category in the state showcase. 


Bike Education at Galilee

The Bike Education program is a program that gives students the opportunity to learn about safe riding behaviors, road rules and riding in a shared environment. Bike Ed uses practical lessons to ensure riders have the physical abilities to ride safely and older students to ride independently. Seb Greene, our P.E. teacher, trained in Bike Ed earlier this year and has brought the program to Galilee for our Year 3-6 students. This week our Year 6 student students left our school grounds to practice their Bike Ed Safety on the roads around our school. It has been wonderful to see many families ride to and from school.



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