News from the 3/4 Team...

Highlights of 2023!
What a wonderfully busy year 2023 has been for Team 3/4! We have been lucky to experience many different learning opportunities and diverse activities to support the curriculum, encourage social development and promote engagement.
As the year draws to an end, we asked students to reflect on some of their highlights as Grade 3s and Grade 4s.
Here’s what they had to say…
Grade 3/4 Camp
Camp. I liked making candles and spending time with my friends in the cabins.
~ Amelia 3/4B
My highlight of the year was camp and making new friends.
~Talia 3/4B
All the activities were fun, but I liked camp the most because I overcame my fear of heights on the flying fox! All the teachers were supportive and kind as well.
~ Ariana 3AT
Incursions and excursions
Going to Healesville Sanctuary.
~ Ava 4JT
Going on an excursion to the MCG because I am a big fan of sports especially footy.
~ Leo 3AT
Probably wheelchair basketball but Billycarts is still to come.
~ Zayne 4JT
I liked the fun run and watching the teachers get slimed. Camp was fun too.
~ Lily 3/4R
Playing on the bottom oval, because you get to look at the chickens it is so fun.
~ Matthew 3AT
Spending time with my friends and teachers. Having fun with them.
~ Judy 3RO
Having fun doing maths with my friends and helping my friends with a stop motion.
~ Yuvaan 3RO
Meeting new classmates.
~ Christian 3/4R
Writing poems to express my emotions and feelings also doing a stop motion to bring my story to life.
~ Abby 3RO
The highlight of the year for me was the looming in Art that we did one time. It was really fun, and I really enjoyed the fact that we were allowed to take them home before the end of the year, which is when we usually take our things over the year home. It was really fun, and because we were allowed to take them home, I got to show it to my grandparents!
~ Ivy 3/4B
The Stop Motion was the best Integrated topic ever!
~ Grace 3/4R
My highlight of year four was most likely doing the RAT project. I enjoyed it a lot especially the animal one.
~ Caris 4JT
We are sure that the memories of these experiences will stay with the students for many years to come.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all families for their support throughout the year. We wish all Grade 3/4 students and their families all the very best for 2024 and beyond.
The Year 3/4 Team
Cameron Batt, Ray Owens, Claire Brennan, Sarah Jacobs, Lisa Trevorrow, Lyndsey Thwaites, Sarah Amiconi, Paul Roast and Philip Wickham