Team Foundation News

2023 a year of many happy memories!
It is hard to believe that our 2023 Foundation year is soon to be over! The Foundation students have indeed experienced many wonderful activities and made enormous leaps and bounds in their learning journey. The teacher’s minds have been blown out of the water with the learning this cohort has achieved throughout the year and we look forward to seeing further progress in 2024!
This week, the Foundation students reflected on the multitude of activities that they took part in throughout 2023. They were asked to choose their favourite activity and write about it. Below are their responses…
My favourite activity in 2023 was.....
In the next few weeks we will begin to pack up our classrooms to get ready for 2024. Foundation students will be slowly taking home workbooks and other pieces of work. We ask that when work does go home, please remove it from your child's bag so that they have more room the following day.
Next Wednesday, 13th of December, will be the last day that your child will bring home a home reader. We will spend the last week of term collecting books and collating these resources. If you do find any extra take home readers, could you please return them to school before Friday 15th of December.
Your child's Art smock will also be sent home at the end of the year. Could you please return this to school at the beginning of 2024.
If your child has not returned any borrowed Library books, could you please do so as soon as possible.
Next Tuesday, 12th of December, the Foundation students will find out who their 2024 teacher will be as well as who will be in their 2024 class. This will be a most exciting day for all. Students will spend half of the day with their 2024 teacher and complete a number of activities in this session.
All the teachers would like to send their sincere thanks to all Foundation parents and families for the support they have given throughout the year. We wish you a wonderful and safe Summer break and look forward to seeing you in 2024!
Team Foundation Teachers
Kirstin Jones, Kristen Schultz and Carli Greenwood