Happy Holidays! from the Library

Thank you to all students that have returned their library books to school.
Please return all your library books if you still have them at home.
There is a box in front of the library for you to drop them off.
Congratulations to Paris P in 3RO for winning the Guess the Title competition in the library this month.
The Title of the Book is The BFG by Roald Dahl.
Please collect your 200 house points and a small prize from the library.
Summer Holiday Fun Ideas and Places to Visit
Libraries | City of Boroondara
State Library Victoria (slv.vic.gov.au)
National Gallery of Australia (nga.gov.au)
Visiting - Scienceworks (museumsvictoria.com.au)
Thank you for your amazing support for our library this year!
I am very proud to be part of such a wonderful community.
Merry Christmas to you and your family and a happy and prosperous New Year.
I look forward to seeing you next year!
May Vos-Rutter