Richmond Football Club

On Friday, 9th of February, Gimmel Class was lucky enough to have Richmond Football players Samson Ryan, Tyler Sonsie and Tom Brown visit for a Q&A session. 


The students had a blast, but for Declan, the highlight of the session was when Noah sang the Richmond theme song to the players. The students also had an opportunity to get hats and other Richmond merchandise signed. 


Here's what Megan had to say:  It was really fun meeting the footballers! At first I was really sad that we were going to miss swimming class, but when we met them they were really cool. There were 3 footballers and a lady [Grace] who seemed really nice. She said "whoever asks the best question gets a hat-and I have only two!” so I really wanted one. Everyone wanted one, so first we asked the questions that we had planned beforehand, then we started to ask other questions. 

Noah asked if we can play some football, but they said "only if you sing the theme song” so he sang some of it but not all of it.  Finally we were going to find out who is going to get a hat - (dumb roll please...) Langi and Megan! We got a lot of stuff signed and then we got a photo together!  It was a really fun day.