Principal's Report

Season's Greetings
Since this is the last edition of the Newsletter for 2023, I wish all members of our community a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.
I wish to thank all our students for their ongoing commitment to our school and their learning. I thank our parents for your ongoing support, and I thank our staff for their ongoing professionalism and for the care that they provide for all our students both within the academic and co-curricular areas of the school.
I thank the Epping Secondary College School Council for the work it does in supporting the various programs and initiatives that run for the benefit of our students and their learning.
I also thank the school community for their warm welcome and support in my role of Acting Principal of this great school and community.
New Principal in 2024
I am pleased to announce that Michael Rathborne has been appointed as the Principal of Epping SC, starting 29 January 2024.
The appointment is provisional and is subject to a 2-week grievance period.
Michael is an experienced principal, who has led several schools in NSW.
We look forward to welcoming Michael to the Epping SC community next year.
Student Achievement: VCE Results
Congratulations to the Class of 2023 for their outstanding VCE results. Students were able to access their results and ATAR Ranks early on Monday 11 December.
I am sure that most would have been pleased with their performance.
Whilst ATAR Ranks are used as a basis for entry into several university courses, it is each student's hard work, effort, and commitment that I would like to applaud.
Regardless of the result, every student (both scored or unscored VCE, as well as those undertaking VCE-VM) who worked hard, with persistent effort and commitment needs to be very proud of their achievement and continue to display these qualities and skills as they embark on their next journey towards a career.
We are very proud of your effort and what you have been able to achieve throughout not only 2023, but through the last six years at Epping Secondary College.
I commend the work of our teachers, a very dedicated and hardworking group of professionals who consistently put their students first and did everything in their power to support their students’ learning, understanding and preparation for exams and conclusion to the year.
The next stage of the process is when offers to tertiary studies are made. We know that several of our students received early offers into the course of their choice and I congratulate them as we await to hear from the others in due course.
Farewells 2023
I wish to acknowledge the work of the following staff members who will be leaving Epping Secondary College this year:
- Kristen Moore
- Diana Riviera
- Ranjeeta Anand
- Dee Dober
- Maree Hare
- Laura McCarthy
- Simon Burrows
- Emily Malvaso
- Teresa Wong
- Stephen Grace
- Allira Wilson
- Jemma Rechia
- Rebecca Fedinew
- Gabby Pauchnik
- Nigro Fabiano
I thank all of them for their contribution to the education of our young people and wish them all the very best in the future.
Several new staff will be joining us at the start of the new school year. We will introduce the new staff to you early in 2024.
Anesti Anestis
Acting Principal
Epping Secondary College