CAPA and Languages

Creative and Performing Arts, Languages Faculty

Year 12 Drama – OnSTAGE

Year 12 Drama visited the Seymour Centre in Week 3 to see OnSTAGE, which features a selection of exemplary group and individual projects from 2023 Higher School Certificate Drama students including performances, video drama, and a moved reading of a script. Students had a great time viewing both the exhibition and performances, leaving them inspired for their own major works this year.



Year 7 Languages – Japanese (日本語)

Year 7 have just begun their language learning journey at CHS and will be learning Japanese throughout 2024. We will be learning how to talk about ourselves, our favourite things in life, how to describe things, and about travelling in Japan. 

Did you know that Japan is one of the most visited countries by Australian tourists and it is one of the most commonly taught languages at high schools across Australia? 

Year 7 Music – Can you hear the beat?

In our Year 7 music program, students are currently immersed in an engaging exploration of African Drumming. This hands on experience not only allows them to discover the rich cultural heritage of rhythmic traditions but also provides an opportunity for collaborative learning. Students are actively involved in devising a group based composition that incorporates traditional instruments, with a particular focus on the Djembe. This unique and culturally enriching project not only enhances their musical skills but also fosters collaboration and cultural appreciation.

Year 8 Visual Arts

Year 8 have started their high school visual arts experience with a unit focused on self-portraiture. They have completed some different graphite self-portraits already. Using a mirror or photo they have sketched and added tonal value to create some wonderful drawings. They have also experimented with blind-contour drawings to improve their observational skills and expand their understanding of different kinds of art. As the unit progresses, students will start painting and complete the unit with an A3 painted self-portrait.


Extracurricular Update 2024

We are thrilled to share the exciting developments within our Creative and Performing Arts extracurricular groups as we embark on a strong start to 2024. Building on the success of our programs in 2023 and the outstanding school performance of "Bathory Begins," the CAPA club has experienced an overwhelming response with over 30 enthusiastic signups for the Dance and Drama groups. These numbers reflect the growing interest and passion for the arts among our students.


In addition to the existing offerings, we are delighted to announce the establishment of two new ensembles this year. The Vocal Club, directed by our talented music teacher Ms. Blandino, promises to be a harmonious addition to our CAPA team. Simultaneously, the Rock Band, led by the skilled musician Mr. Franzman, brings a dynamic and energetic dimension to our extracurricular activities. The CAPA club, spearheaded by Ms. Bendeich and Mrs. Dawson, continues to provide an enriching platform for students to explore and showcase their talents in acting and dancing. With such a strong foundation, we eagerly anticipate the upcoming 2024 showcases, where our students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity and dedication to the arts.