Human Society and its Environment

In Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE), both subjects of History and Geography are mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.


Students learn specific historical and geographical concepts and skills in History and Geography. They also have an opportunity to learn more about people and the societies and environments in which they live through elective subjects.


A large number of individual subjects make up the key learning area of HSIE in which students:

  • research, gather and analyse information
  • question and make judgements
  • write for a variety of purposes.  


Years 7 – 10 will study History for Semester 1 and Geography in Semester 2 this year at Camden High School.  


This year brings minimal changes to staffing, we said farewell Ms Dlugon, Mrs Gardner, and a ‘cya soon’ to Ms Ciantar. We welcome back Mrs Dawson (Miss Hacking) for 2024.


The HSIE faculty comprises of the following staff members:

Ms Fascioli (Head Teacher)

Mrs Bui (Rel. HT Secondary Studies)

Miss Clark

Ms Rolph

Mrs Dawson

Miss Hay (SLC)

Miss Dargan (Year 7 adviser)

Mrs Assafiri (SLC)

Mr Capps

Miss Carter  

Year 7

Year 7 are starting with the unit of work ‘Investigating the Ancient Past’ where they learn all about history and archaeology and are able use foundational source analysis skills when studying evidence of the past. Some classes even conducting an archaeological dig! (to find chocolate chips in a cookie).


Year 7’s first formal assessment task will be due in Term 2, Week 2.

Year 8

Year 8 will start their historical learning this year by looking at Viking civilisations, an interesting topic that is always a hit! Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the Vikings in their first assessment task which will be due in Week 8 of this Term.

Year 9

Welcome Year 9 to Stage 5 of school! Students have been learning about the Industrial Revolution as a key step in modernising the world. Students will be learning about movement of people in the modern world, including colonisation and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Students will be assessed during classroom activities this term, with their first formal assessment task due in Week 4 of Term 2.  

Year 10

Year 10 are starting the year by learning about WWII context and the Holocaust; which will form the basis of their first assessment task; The Historical Investigation. This task is due at the end of Term 1, and some time in class will be dedicated to supporting students in completing this style of assessment task. Please familiarise yourself with the assessment procedures for year 10, which is in their assessment booklets handed out at the beginning of the year.  

Years 11 and 12

Welcome Year 11 to their chosen senior HSIE courses, Year 11 can be a big adjustment and at this stage, students are expected to regularly check their emails and upload their course work to CANVAS for feedback each week. Wishing Year 11 all the best over the next three terms!


We also welcome back Year 12 to their second term of their HSC courses! Year 12 have hit the grown running and are busily preparing for their second round of HSC assessment tasks.  


Year 12 Modern History sat section 1 of the HSC Modern History exam of 2023, a great way to get our brains working after the holiday break, below is an example of ‘Do Now’ activities where students demonstrated their knowledge of Stalin’s rise to power.